" said parent 保温容器Gao Wei


One thousand and five hundred children aged between 5 and 12 took part in the Shangma Speed X Series Nike Kids Run in Hongkou District on the first weekend of the new semester.

As a running event tailored for youngsters and their families, Nike Kids Run made a return after one year of absence.

Each young runner was accompanied by one parent to take part in either the 4.2-kilometer mini marathon or the 1.8km family run on Sunday morning.

Despite being a running event for children, the Kids Run follows high-level organizational standards. Trained pacers and running coaches were arranged to help the young runners conquer the challenge.

Tang Mi became the first finisher of the 4.2km mini marathon, clocking 15 minutes and 20 seconds. Chen Tuoda became the champion of the 1.8km race,阳泉市代法咖啡有限公司 clocking 7 minutes and 48 seconds.

After crossing the finish line, 四川能场棉类有限公司 the young runners and their parents were invited to a family carnival for interactive games and music performance.

"We want to give the kid a refreshing start to the new semester, 海伦市达齐净水器有限公司保温容器" said parent Gao Wei, 浑源县位长棉类有限公司 who accompanied his daughter for the event. "Both me and my wife like watching sports games, 沙河市科建杂果有限公司 and we know that children can learn about persistence and courage from sportsmanship."


He added保温容器, "To encourage her and complete the race with her is also a good way to enhance our bond."

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